SPRING CAN REALLY HANG YOU UP THE MOST Lyric by Fran Landesman Music by Tommy Wolf Copyright 1955 by Wolf-Mills Music, Inc., renewed (Verse) Once I was a sen-ti-men-tal thing,___ threw my heart a-way each spring.___ Now a spring ro-mance__ has-n't got a chance,__ prom-ised my first dance__ to Win-ter,__ all I've got to show's__ a splin-ter__ for my lit-tle fling!____ (My fling!) (Refrain) Spring this year has got me feel-__ing like a horse that nev-er left the post;___ I lie in my room,__ star-ing up at the ceil-ing. Spring Can Real-ly Hang You Up The Most!___ Morn-ing's kiss wakes trees and flow-ers,__ and to them I'd like to drink a toast;___ I walk in the park___ just to kill__ lone-ly hours,__ Spring Can Real-ly Hang You Up The Most!___ All af-ter-noon, those birds__ twit-ter twit,__ I know the tune, "This is love,__ this is it!"__ Heard it be-fore and I__ know the score;__ and I've de-cid-ed that Spring is a bore!___ Love seemed sure__ a-round the New__ Year, now it's Ap-ril, love is just a ghost.___ Spring ar-rived__ on time,__ on-ly what be-came of you, dear?__ Spring Can Real-ly Hang You Up The Most!___ All a-lone,__ the par-ty's ov-er,__ Old man Win-ter was a grac-ious host;___ but when you__ kept pray-ing__ for snow to hide the clo-ver;__ Spring Can Real-ly Hang You Up The Most!___