Co D, 24 casualties, 1864 to 1868.


Co D, 24 casualties 1864 to 1866.

Memorial Wreath

In the green month when resurrected flowers
Like laughing children ignorant of death,
Brighten the couch of those who wake no more,
Love and remembrance
blossom in our heats,
For you who bore the extreme 
sharp pain for us,
And bought our freedom 
with your lives.
     And now,
Honoring your memory, with
love we bring
These fiery roses, white-hot
cotton flowers
And violets bluer than 
cool northern skies
You dreamed of in the
burning prison fields
When liberty was only
a faint north star
Not a bright flower planted
by your hands
Reaching up hardly nourished
with your rich blood.
Fit grave fellows you are
for Lincoln, Brown and Douglas
and Toussant . . .all those 
rapt eyes.
Fashioned a new world 
in this wilderness.
American earth is richer
for your bones:
Our hearts prouder for 
the blood we inherit.

For the more than 200,00 Negroes who served in the Union Army during the
Civil War -- Dudley Randall

President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: ". . . The tide of the war  was sluggish in 1862, Lincoln was meditating a great forward step in the march for humanity: all slaves held by the rebels would be free. this act injected new spirit and purpose into the cause of the Union. The end of slavery was formally accomplished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution , adopted in 1865.

Horace Greely,  New York Herald, was an
ardent champion and influential voice 
advocating  for the immediate  execution of the order which was to become the
Emancipation Proclamation.

President Lincoln wrote to Mr. Greely:

"If I could save the Union without freeing
the slaves. I  would; or, freeing some and not freeing others."

The times were perilous. The South had invaded the North. And Europe was earne debating  the recognition of the Confederacy. While, President Lincoln was earnestly awaiting a Northern victory as the background for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

Antietam Creek, north of Harper's Ferry, Va. provided the location a nd occasion for this goal. The audacity of Gen. Lee and the imeptness gave fuel to the eventual battle carnage: 7000 Confederacy and 1500 Northern casualities from this Union victory.
John Brown

Frederick Douglas

Toussant  L'Ouverature

Playing "Lift Every Voice and Sing."